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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Blended Strawberry Basil Ice

It's strawberry season in our neck of the woods! My husband and I had this drink first while strolling around our historic downtown area on a date night. We had purchased from a little shop... and paid almost seven dollars for it. 

I was hooked from the first cool, refreshing sip. The sweetness of the berries and brightness of the lemon exude springtime. The basil (which is in the mint family) is complimentary but somewhat unexpected, adding a certain refinement to what would otherwise be a simple strawberry lemonade...  But seven dollars?? Seven dollars buys 21 diapers. Seven dollars buys ingredients for an entire family dinner. Seven dollars also buys 60 miles of gas for park trips during this beautiful weather. Seven dollars? NOPE! Not happening.

However, at home I had baskets of farm fresh berries we had just picked from the local strawberry patch and one giant basil plant bush taking over my kitchen garden. So I thought: "I have the main ingredients. Surely I can experiment and make this for less than seven dollars!" Here is the result! It's very much like the original and a huge hit for after mowing our lawn. Or for just lounging on patio soaking up some sun (and making sure the twins don't gouge each other's eyes out with sandbox tools.) In fact, it's such a favorite with adults that we now serve this blended ice whenever we have guests over in the spring or summer!

2 Tbs fresh lemon juice
2 Tbs honey
8 basil leaves
8 frozen strawberries
8 ice cubes
1 - 1 1/2 c water

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